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Lot 3- Miss L2 138

High bid
8 years 17 weeks 4 days 12 hours 31 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 138
Mr V8 761/6
Miss L2 Jazzy 21

She is a replacement female deluxe!  This female is coming straight from our replacement pen.  Sired by the V8 761/6 bull who is sired by Karu 800 and out of a Charley 590 and also a full brother to V8 442/6.  V8 761/6 was a herd bull we purchased from V8’s bull battery.  Her dam is Miss L2 Jazzy 21 a soon to be Register of Renoun cow that was a many time champion.  L2 21 is sired by +Mr. V8 203/6 and out of +MDS Lady V8 262.  This female has what it takes to make a front pasture female who will put you a calf on the ground for many years to come.  

She sells open and ready to breed.

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Sire - Mr V8 761/6
Sire - Mr V8 761/6
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Dam - Miss L2 Jazzy 21
Dam - Miss L2 Jazzy 21

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