Miss 4F Polled Dee 94/6 (P) is an outstanding, long and deep bodied, good looking daughter of the Register of Renown +LMC LF Ambassador that is one of the best POLLED Brahman bulls of all time. His cattle are very competitive in all arenas as proven at the recent Houston Livestock Show where LMC and us sold a granddaughter for $19,000 to Kylie Sellman to top the ABBA Sale. The next day she placed 2nd in a tough class of 28 head. Her sister Kendyl also won Reserve Senior Champion with her Ambassador granddaughter LMC ECC LF Polled Lolo who also won the $10,000 San Antonio Jr. Show last year. Another Ambassador granddaughter owned by Mackie Simpson was Reserve in her Division as well. She was bred by our good friend Mike England. Both of these baby dolls were sired by LMC Polled Authority.
Her dam is our number one donor that we bought from our good friends Dr. Richard and Lana Forgason. She is sired by their Champion JDH 579/4 who is a super long strong spined bull that is producing lots of good cattle for them. Her dam is an own daughter of the super popular +JDH Atlas Manso and out of a +JDH Remington Manso daughter, two of the most prolific and productive JDH sires of the past 25 years. We sold a maternal brother to the Enrique Ramos family for a herd bull and have his full brother LMC LF Polled Carl (photo below) for sale by private treaty. Carl was Reserve Grand Champion last week at the RGV open show. Another maternal sister LMC LF Diva was third in a tough class of 20+ heifers in Houston. We have flushed this cow successfully to four different sires with outstanding results from all four sires.
Polled Dee qualifies for the LMC $ellabration Jr. Show. Buyer will receive two units of semen from any of the 4F Cattle Co. Sires to AI her to. Seller reserves the right to one of her first three successful flushes or ½ of two flushes (BUYER’S CHOICE).