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Lot 3 - LMC POLLED TRES 38/9 (P)

High bid
4 years 10 weeks 3 days 9 hours 53 min ago
Lot Information:
Sire:  LMC LN POLLED PAPPO 136/6 (P) 953236
Dam: MISS V8 866/7 917539
BW: 0.9 SC: 38.5 ADG: 2.6 ADJ REA: 9.8 ADJ IMF: 4.63

La Muneca is proud to once again be participating in this prestigious ABBA Performance Bull Test Sale. We THANK ABBA for the opportunity to participate and encourage them to host more of these much needed Bull Tests and Sales in all of our market areas to help more ABBA members develop their bulls as cost effective as possible and most important gather valuable data that can help the entire breed and for sure our own programs plus help us find new bull buyers.

We are proud to have four outstanding Polled Herd Bull Prospects selling in this sale as Lots 3, 4, 9 and 10. We had two tie for 3rd place with identical scores. Lot 3 is a PICTURE-PERFECT son of our popular, many times champion, HOMOZYGUS POLLED LMC LN Polled Pappo and our powerful +V8 380/6 Donor that is one of the very best 380/6 daughters to ever leave V8. We are keeping two full sisters to this bull and have two fancy Ambassador daughters we are developing now. We also have a full brother that is dark red that we may keep for a herd bull.

We love the bull’s TOTALITY as he has what we look for in a herd bull – pedigree clout, performance, power and profit potential. He is in the top 35% for the first 8 EPD Traits, placed 6th overall for Marbling and Scrotal and 7th in Conformation Score. He is what we call a TRAFFIC STOPPER and the kind that can put your program on the map.

LMC is retaining the right to collect 100 units of semen at our expense and buyer’s convenience to use in our in our herd and thus are retaining an interest for registration of his calves only.

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