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Lot 3 - LMC Polled Brahman Semen Package on 5 Bulls

High bid
9 years 48 weeks 4 days 13 hours 15 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Polled Brahman Semen Package on 5 Bulls

Final Price is 5 x Bid Price

SELLING: One unit of semen on buyer's choice of five of our top ten POLLED Brahman bulls with five AI Certificates, one per bull. Extra AI certificates will sell for what the semen sells for per unit.  Buyer will get a total of five units of semen - one from each of five different bulls.

Here is a great opportunity for junior, small and large breeders alike.  We sell most of our semen in ten unit breeding shares but get lots of calls for semen orders for one or two units of semen. With the advent of IVF, one can fertilize several dishes of oocytes from several cows with just one unit of semen. This has changed how semen is being sold. In an effort to share our best genetics we decided to share our best genes in this lot.

We will be celebrating our tenth year this year since we registered our first POLLED Brahman that we bred ourselves. We are excited to see how our efforts and our genetics have been accepted throughout the Brahman World where the demand for good POLLED Brahman genetics is growing daily.  We believe in sharing our best so feel free to call me or our sons if you have any questions on this or any of our other lots selling. Below are photos and a brief description on what we feel are our best ten bulls in no particular order.

LMC LF Ambassador is our number one sire and just entered the prestigious ABBA Register of Renown. He is a JD Hudgins x V8 cross that works well on all kinds of cows. He produces polled calves on the majority of horned cows. His calves and grand progeny are averaging 4.21% with their IMF Marbling scores. Co-owned with Louie Flores.

LMC Polled Madison is an Ambassador son out of a JD Hudgins cow thus making him 3/4 JDH and 1/4 V8 breeding. His dam is double bred JDH Madison de Manso.  He is rich in muscle, correctness, pigment, breed character and produces his flat hip and good hump placements on his calves that have lots of consumer demand. Co-owned with Ava Barker.

LMC Polled Authority is one of the larger POLLED bulls in America and is producing lots of good looking, long bodied, capacious, big boned POLLED cattle off of horned cows. We co-own him with England Cattle Co. where he has produced some phenomenal cattle. He is out of a Double A cow that goes back to JDH Karu and Madison de Manso.

LMC Polled Integrity is a smooth polled, large framed proven Ambassador son out of a V8 Tommay Bahama cow that has produced four herd bulls for us.  He is the sire to the $10,000 LMC Polled Cassie owned by Kelly Barnard and LMC Polled Dignity owned by Jimmy Chapman. He is doing a good job in Kansas with our co-owner Kelly Barnard.

LMC WFF Pistolero was our first major league POLLED Herd Sire whose dam, 707  was our HERD MATRIARCH that produced us several real good bulls and females by several sires. Pistolero and his progeny work great with the Ambassador cattle and produce lots of bone, muscle and performance. Co-owned with Westfall Family Farms.

LMC Polled Samson is a super long, moderate, thick, big humped Pistolero son out of our number one cow, Samantha that has followed in 707 foot steps and become our new MATRIARCH.  Polled Samson measured 4.04% on his IMF Marbling score. We are expecting a great set of calves from him this spring. Co-owned with Larry Campbell.

LMC Poll Aussie is one of the best made POLLED bulls in the business. HE NEARS PERFECTION IN THE FLESH and could serve as the Breed's STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. He is sired by LMC WFF Pistolero and is out of the great Donna cow. Our co-owners Schneider Ranch will have some babies by him this spring.

LMC Apollo is the largest POLLED bull we have bred. He is sired by LMC WFF Pistolero and is out of a JDH Charley's Jazz cow who has produced very well for us with one of her sons working very successfully in the Candler herd in Florida. Apollo will add bone, performance & size to your cattle. Co-owned with Chris Brasher & Ray Rodriguez.

LMC Polled Future is a son of our Register of Renown LMC LF Ambassador and an own daughter of the International Champion Miss V8 831/5 owned by Double A Ranch. His progeny are averaging 4.35% IMF which is excellent if you are looking for that proven bull to help add carcass merit to your program. Co-owned with SRS Land & Cattle.

LMC Polled Julio is our newest junior herd sire that represents our GOLDEN CROSS being sired by +LMC LF Ambassador and a Pistolero daughter. He was 2nd in a tough class in Houston. We will be collecting him next month. He also NEARS PERFECTION IN THE FLESH & has our highest IMF score to date - 4.51%. Co-owned with Louie Flores.



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