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Lot 3 - LMC LF - YOU NAME HER 74/9

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 3 days 9 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 733/7 (P) #934072
Miss V8 176/7 #882048
BW: 3.7 WW: 31.3 YW: 53.0 M: 6.3
La Muneca-Flores Cattle Co.

If you are looking for a show heifer that you can show for two years and then make a donor out of her, here she is. This fancy polled baby doll is sired by our "Polled Phenom" making her a granddaughter of two of the all -time great JDH Sires - Elmo and Karu. You can keep the family together by also buying her dam, V8 176/7 selling as Lot 2. She is a traffic stopper with a great pedigree having some of the best of JDH, V8 and Jefcoat breeding.

We are also selling an ET Semen package in her sire as Lot 17. He is producing solid, correct, good looking cattle with clean underlines, lots of bone, muscle, breed character, carcass merit and eye appeal just like this baby doll offers you. She will get better with each passing day. She is the right kind to build a herd around.

She qualifies for all LMC Jr. Program benefits which include (1) two units of semen from any available 4F or LMC bull to AI her until the junior that may buy her graduates from high school, (2) the opportunity to show in our LMC Jr. Futurity and (3) to sell her in one of our online sales in the year that you retire her from junior shows.  Indeed a great opportunity!! For more info, please contact Carlos at 956-802-1641

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Sire-Mr. V8 733/7 (P) “Polled Phenom”
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