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Lot 3 - Lady H Kate Rojo 210/1

High bid
13 years 21 weeks 3 days 2 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Kate Rojo 210/1
February 1, 2011
+ Mr. 3H X-Ray 825
+ Lady H Ms Especial 475

Full Sister to Mr. H Majestic 51/6 !!! That's right Kate 210/1, is a gorgeous deep cherry red heifer and a full sister to our Two Time Reserve National Champion Bull,  Majestic 51/6! Here is a real opportunity to add proven genetics and an awesome female to your show string. Kate 210/1 has a terrific disposition with all the performance and thickness essential to be a champion. She is leveled topped, big hipped and moves freely. Don't miss her, Kate 210/1 will continue to increase in value as she gets older. A sound investment !!

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