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Lot 3 - Lady H Elsa Manso 142/0

High bid
13 years 37 weeks 6 days 1 hour 39 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Elsa Manso 142/0
May 2, 2010
Mr. H Morton Manso 964/7
Lady H Fanci Manso 652

  Elsa, is a gorgeous deep capacity heifer that is loaded with extra muscle and eye appeal. She is sired by our popular young bull, Mr. H Morton Manso 964/7. She is the natural calf of the popular donor, Fanci 652, that we own with Underwood Ranch. You'll recognize the 652 cow as being the mother to Cole Williams show heifer, Lady H Mystic Manso 151/0. Elsa is a foundation type of heifer that will pay big dividends as a producer in the near future. * Fresh Genetic Pool *
2 Straws Mr. H Vegas Manso 860

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