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Lot 3 - JDH Lady Underwood Manso 662/7

High bid
5 years 15 weeks 3 days 12 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Underwood Manso 662/7
JDH Sir London Manso 984/6
JDH Lady Noely Manso 999/6
BW: 1.8 WW: 21.0 YW: 30.0 M: 6.8

From our best Elmo bred cow, JDH Lady Noely Manso 999/6 comes this class act of a female.  JDH Lady Underwood Manso 662/7 has loads of potential as a mother cow and donor.  Her young sire, JDH Sir Landon Manso 984/6 continues in his sire’s, JDH Jene Manso 117/8, tradition of consistent, high quality prepotent cattle that are in demand worldwide.  The bottom of 662/7’s pedigree is the famed Elmo 309/4 and several generations back on the bottom is a famous donor cow from the Forgason herd, 82/1, dam of 948/3.  Many of our best carry 82/1 blood.  Loads of potential. 

Act BW  65   Curr Wt 1050   Hip Ht 54   Frame Score 7.1   Doc Score 1   


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