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Lot 3 - JDH Lady Manso 951 (C 914572)

High bid
11 years 17 weeks 5 days 10 hours 18 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 951 (C 914572)
JDH MR MANSO 105 (B 862595)
JDH LADY MANSO 921/3 (C 821050)
BW: 2.3 WW: 23.7 YW: 37.9 M: 6.7

951 is straight out of the JDH showbarn.  This female has tremendous thickness and an excellent structure. The dark pigmentation gives her that stylish, show look along with excellent handling making her a top show prospect. She is sired by 105, a former show bull and champion, who is the son of 579/4. Her dam 921/3 is also a former show animal and a top Charley’s Jazz daughter. 951 is a very complete female that looks great on the lead. Promising show future and promising future as a donor.                      

Selling 100% possession and a 50% breeding interest

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