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Lot 3 - High Roller 005 x SR 88/3 Embryos

High bid
9 years 18 weeks 1 day 5 hours 49 min ago
Lot Information:
High Roller 005 x SR 88/3 Embryos

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

  • Dam:                          SR 88/3 SGBI #20134372
  • Sire of pregnancy:    SJ High Roller 005 SGBI #1291870
  • # of Embryos             2 (Two) IVF unsexed
  • Owner                        Corazon Pitchford Cattle Co.

The “Dam Effect.”  SR 88/3 is another powerful young female sired by Briggs 052/11, an SGBI trait leader in BW and YW.  She inherits his growth EPDs coupled with a strong Briggs bred bottom side that goes back to Partner 5273 and Sons of Waco 9-9.

SJ High Roller 005 is a complete-package son of Harris Farm Wave Maker 12/8.  Coupled with the growth numbers of SR 88/3, this mating of growth EPD top 1%-ers will provide a winning combination.

EPDs (4/15):

                                   BW        WW       YW        Milk      Growth Idx.        Carcass Idx.

SR 88/3                       1.6          28.8       28.8          1.9            $31.70                      10

SJ High Roller 005    2.7          22.1        25.9           2.8              20.52                       7

Estimated Progeny    1.0         17.9       21.8         4.6             $22.37                     9

A productive mating of power and carcass.  This mating produces offspring expected to be in the very top SGBI EPDs in growth and carcass.


  1. Buyer to pay all shipping costs.  Frozen lots will be shipped from Trans Ova, Centerville, Texas.
  2. Seller guarantees one (1) sixty-day safe pregnancy from this lot if implanted by certified embryologist.
  3. We can arrange implants at Trans Ova at the buyers cost, if desired.

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