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Lot 3: Female Sexed Pregnant Recipient: JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7 X Moreno Ms. Lady Pauline

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2 years 10 weeks 1 day 3 hours 28 min ago
Lot Information:
Female Sexed Pregnant Recipient: JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7 X Moreno Ms. Lady Pauline
Sire: JDH Rafiki Manso 893/7 #1004820
Dam: Moreno Ms. Lady Pauline #922044

As you might expect, we have tried to create as many pregnancies out of the 2022 International Champion Grey Bull JDH Rafiki Manso as possible.  However, we have been very selective in the cows that we used to ensure that the calves have the most optimal opportunity to be superior.  We along with many other breeders around the world love the moderate frame size, huge body, muscle, bone, and balanced genetic profile of Rafiki.  You have to also appreciate the proven pedigree of Rafiki as he is sired by JDH Jene Manso an outcross sire with 281 registered progeny to include JDH Massai Manso, JDH Turkana Manso, and JDH Sir Zadig Manso 918/6 just to name a few.  The dam to Rafiki is a proven donor who calved naturally before her 3rd birthday and each year afterwards even while being aspirated, produced 15 offspring to include JDH London Manso who is a J.D. Hudgins herd sire (full brother to Rafiki), and results from two performance-oriented parents to include JDH Mr. Manso 323/2 and a Maternal Merit Cow.


To maintain a proven outcross pedigree, we mated Rafiki with Moreno Ms. Lady Pauline who was one of our picks in the RB Ranch Dispersal Sale.  Pauline was one of RB’s most proven donors with 20 progeny to her credit and is a flushmate to the great +Moreno Ms. Lady Presumida who has done Moreno Ranches such a phenomenal job.  Pauline is by the Reserve International Champion and proven sire of show winners and top producers +Mr. V8 777/4 while her dam is the great +Miss B-F 201/9, the matriarch of the Moreno Ranches herd.  Not only do you have to be impressed by her amazing pedigree, but Pauline is super long, level, deep ribbed, big boned and eye appealing due to her dark pigmentation which compliments the phenotype of Rafiki.


We look froward to the resulting calves from this mating that will be born around the first part of February 2023.

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Moreno Ms. Lady Pauline
Moreno Ms. Lady Pauline
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Maternal Grand Dam to Embryos: +Miss B-F 201/9
Maternal Grand Dam to Embryos: +Miss B-F 201/9

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