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Lot 3 - CL 1 Domino 9126J 1ET - 4 Units of Semen

High bid
10 years 8 weeks 1 day 7 hours 20 min ago
Lot Information:
CL 1 Domino 9126J 1ET

FINAL PRICE = 4 X Bid Price

Consigner - Streamline Genetics, LLC

Rare opportunity here. 9126J is one of the most influential Line One bulls in history siring tremendous sons and daughters across the country. many prominent cattle in the industry have 9126J in their pedigree. 88X who has been the most dominant sire in recent times is out of a 9126J daughter. Some of the most notable herd in the country have utilized 9126J such as NJW, CRR, Holden, Cooper, Pedretti and many many more. Put this proven herd sire to work in your herd!


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