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Lot 3 - Butler Anaely 21/6 (P) - Polled Nelore Flush

High bid
7 years 12 weeks 6 days 19 hours 15 min ago
Lot Information:
Butler Anaely 21/6 (P)
#AYJMC Florete TE 953348
Butler Farms Inc

Selling the Right to 1 Conventional or IVF Flush. Guaranteeing 4 Transferable Embryos with the buyer receiving all the embryos produced from that Flush. All Cost associated with the Flush are the responsibility of the buyer. Flush will be conducted at a center of mutual agreement.

Butler Anaely presents a tremendous opportunity. We imported a pure Polled Nelore bred Heifer from Juan Manuel Conde, Rancho Retiro, Tizimin, Mexico. This beautiful heifer calf was born in Texas and is sired by the 2015 Mexican National Champion Polled Nelore Bull #AYJMC Florette TE 953348. She is one of a handful of pure Polled Nelore in the US. I have had several people contact me about bringing them some Polled Nelore females from Mexico. Here is the opportunity to buy a flush in what I think is the best pure female in the US with the ability to flush to our Imported 2 time Mexican National Division Champion Polled Nelore bull #JJRC Mr Diamante 141/4 TE 941874 (AKA Popeye). This flush can put you at the very top of the Polled Nelore breed in the United States. We are guaranteeing 4 transferable embryos from either a conventional or IVF procedure at a mutually agreeable transplant center.

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Sire - #AYJMC Florete TE 953348
Sire - #AYJMC Florete TE 953348

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