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Lot 3 - BCC Red Razzy

High bid
5 years 26 weeks 2 days 5 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Red Razzy
BCC Maverick
BCC Penelope
CE 6.0 BW 2.95 WW 57.50 YW 82.40 MM 18.50 API 72.0

Lookout! One of the only powerful red females that we are offering in this sale, and she has donor cow written all over her.  This heifer here has been on of dad’s favorites since she was born.  Rightly so she comes to you with power, femininity, bone, and body to create a picture-perfect female and to add the cherry on top she is one of the gentlest heifers in the sale.

It should be no surprise that we have used this mating before with our National Champion BCC Maverick and a great donor cow that was shown by Reese Gonzalez, BCC Penelope.  Penelope is one of our top BCC Powerman donors who was also National and International Champion Simbrah Bull.  This mating brings so many genetic opportunities in one package this will be hard to pass up.  The first heifer that we produced out of this mating was sold for $8000, and we think this red female is a carbon copy.  Buyers beware she is really good!  Baring Cattle Company reserves the option to 2 IVF Flushes with a guarantee of 6 Grade A Embryos with the work to be done by a certified embryologist.

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