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Lot 2B - Mr. BER Hoss 479 - SEMEN PACKAGE

High bid
5 years 51 weeks 3 days 7 hours 30 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. BER Hoss 479
Mr BER Cash 336
Miss BER 361
BW2.8, WW18.5, YW29.7
Selling 5, 10, or 20 Units of Semen
Final Price is 5, 10, or 20 x Bid Price
Mr BER Hoss 479 is the first +Mr BER Cash 336 son we have offered semen for sale. We believe Hoss has a lot to offer the Brahman Breed because he is powerful with lots of depth, big boned and  smooth made. On the dam side is Mr V8 670/6 and the great Miss BER Josie 280. Hoss is stacked with great genetics! He was ranked 5th in show Bull of the year for 2017-2018. He was 2017 National Reserve Calf Champion and Intermediate Champion at 2018 Kickoff Classic which is second largest ABBA show. We are excited to offer this semen in our sale.
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