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Lot 29 - Aspiration: Miss V8 860/8 - Aspiration

High bid
3 years 16 weeks 4 days 51 min 48 sec ago
Lot Information:
Aspiration: Miss V8 860/8
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
Dam: Miss V8 790/7
Consignor: Triple E Ranch LLC
Don’t miss this opportunity to aspirate a cow that comes from the famed V8 Ranch and is backed by some of the most proven genetics in the breed.  First, you have to appreciate the phenotype of Miss V8 860/8.  She is sound structured, big middled, long, level, feminine, and heavy muscled.   
After you are drawn in by her build you realize the superior pedigree that she offers.  79 Cattle Company has a full brother to this top female that they are using as a herd sire and then one of the sale features in the 2018 Spring Online Sale was a full sister to 860/8.  The superiority of these offspring should not be surprised as they are the result of two proven parents.  The sire to Miss V8 860/8 is +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” who has sired more winners over the past 4 years than any other sire.  The dam to 860/8 is the Reserve International Champion, Miss V8 790/7, who is sired by +Mr. V8 380/6 making her the result of the Golden Cross. 
Potential buyers should evaluate the performance profile of this cow that ranks in the top 1% of the breed for WW & YW and then 25% for Ribeye Area and Marbling. 
This is a great opportunity to incorporate these proven genetics into your herd or even prove up a young bull. 
The aspiration on this cow will need to be done before December 1 for a Fall calf or can be done in the Spring of 2022 once she calves.  The aspiration can be done either at Trans Ova Genetics or Hoofstock Geentics. 
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Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
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Dam: Miss V8 790/7
Dam: Miss V8 790/7

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