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Lot 27 - Lady MN Pepper Manso - Replacement Heifer

High bid
3 years 16 weeks 4 days 33 min 54 sec ago
Lot Information:
Lady MN Pepper Manso
Sire: +Mr. H Elijah Manso 281/2
Dam: Lady MN Paisley Manso
Replacement Heifer
Consignor: MN Ranch
If you are looking at the name of the heifer and the consignor hopefully you linked it all up with MN Ranch the owners of the most recently named National Champion Grey Brahman Bull and the 2015 International Champion Bull +Mr. H Elijah Manso 281/2.  It is only fitting that Mike Navarro offer a daughter out of his most notable bull in this sale.  Lady MN Pepper Manso is a daughter of the 2015 International Champion bull who went on to be a proven sire as validated by him reaching the Register of Renown.  The dam to Pepper is sired by a full siter to the legendary donor +Lady H Alexi Manso 790 and out of a Heritage Cattle Company and Morello Ranch cross cow. 
It is rare that a daughter of +Mr. H Elijah Manso 281/2 is available. 
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Sire: +Mr. H Elijah Manso 281/2
Sire: +Mr. H Elijah Manso 281/2

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