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Lot 26 - Blackcap Belle 1110

High bid
13 years 25 weeks 3 days 2 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
Blackcap Belle 1110
Bushs Big Time 452
Blackcap Prosperity 205
BW: 2.0 WW: 54 YW: 93 M: 16

Blackcap Belle 110 is a daughter of Lot #25, Blackcap Prosperity 205, sired by the performance Vermillion Dateline son, Bushs Big Time.  She carries the same foot, bone, and balance of her great dam.  If you are looking for a quick payback, here is your chance to purchase a young female about to drop her first calf.  She sells bred to calve April 1, 2012, carrying a 3/4 sibling to LMF Radar 1710, sired by BC 7022 Raven 7965.

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