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Lot 26: 3 EMBRYOS: NCC Red Odyssey(P) X Miss HMC Polled 42/1 (P)

High bid
1 year 6 weeks 6 days 45 min 32 sec ago
Lot Information:
3 EMBRYOS: NCC Red Odyssey(P) X Miss HMC Polled 42/1 (P)
Sire: NCC RED ODYSSEY (P) #1000101
Miss HMC Polled 42/1 (P)

Purchase Price = 3 X Bid


Polled & Red are the buzz words today and that is EXACTLY what this package offers!  One of the most profitable cows in the breed today is Miss HMC Polled 42/1who was purchased in the National Brahman Sale by Lawrence Cattle Company and has generated many times over her purchase price in offspring and frozen genetics.  42/1 is a daughter of the former V8 Ranch showbull and now one of the most widely used polled sires in the breed, Mr. V8 794/7.  The dam to 42/1 is Miss SRS Polled Katie who has three daughters that have sold for $21,500-$37,000 over the past two years validating her producing ability.  To compliment the proven donor of these embryos she was mated to #NCC Polled Odyssey (P). For those who are unfamiliar with Red Odyssey he is a polled son of +JDH Elmo Manso that the Australians feel that he is the best US/Australian genetic combination available.  Not only is he a household name in Australia but here in the USA his offspring have been wrapping up the show titles and topping the sales due to their superior builds. Selling a package of three (3) embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician.  If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given.

These embryos were purchased in a previous Infinity Cattle Services Sale and not paid for. Lawrence Cattle was paid and will release the embryos to the buyer of this lot.    The embryos are located at CB Genetics in Center, Texas who is a Vytelle satellite.

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Sire of embryos.
Sire of embryos.
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Daughter of HMC 42/1
Daughter of HMC 42/1
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Daughter of Red Odyssey
Daughter of Red Odyssey

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