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Lot 25 - Miss Shinnery New Blood B 220

High bid
8 years 34 weeks 2 days 17 hours 39 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Shinnery New Blood B 220
Simbravieh - 1/2 SM, 1/4 BR &1/4 BV
Mr. Shinnery R791
LMC LCC FA Muneca X 316
BW 4.1, WW 52.3, YW 64.2, MILK 18.8

Consigned By: Estes Ranches

B220 is a coming two year old heifer that sells exposed to a Low Birthweight Angus Bull RAB Y791 she was AI’d on 6/19/16.
This was her first service as she was to young to breed for our spring program last year.
She is a deep bodied super gentle female that has a ton of brood cow potential.
Estes Ranch will offer the option to maintain her until she is safe in calf at no expense to the buyer.

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