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Lot 25 - LMC LN Polled Amigo 151/8 (P)

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 3 days 4 hours 54 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC LN Polled Amigo 151/8 (P)
LMC LN Polled Pappo 136/6 (P)
Miss DF Rose 99/9
BW: 0.7 WW: 15.3 YW: 25.4 M: 6.6
La Negra Cattle Company

If you are looking to get started breeding Polled Red Brahmans with a solid Polled/Scurred herd bull prospect, LMC LN Polled Amigo 151/8 is the one.  He combines a proven pedigree and a stout phenotype.  The fact that he is sired by the popular and widely promoted homozygous polled Polled Pappo bull will certainly increase his value.  Study the bone, volume, muscle and depth that he offers. We have recently sold 3 full sisters to Ronnie Smith of Smith Farms that are all outstanding. This goes to show the consistency of the mating that produced 151/8.

Polled Amigo is sired by our Homozygous Polled, many times champion herd bull, Polled Pappo.  Polled Pappo has already sold semen to many countries all over the world and has put his stamp on his first set of calves.  Not only are they polled, but they have power, depth, bone, muscle, width and attractiveness.  Along with our Polled Pappo partners, La Muneca, we have sold a few Polled Pappo daughters and they have all brought $10,000 or better.

LMC LN Polled Amigo's dam, now a donor for Ronnie Smith, is a cow that we purchased as a polled donor from Dyess Farms.  She surely left a good mark on our herds.  DF Rose 99/9 produced several great offspring for the La Negra - La Muneca partnership.  One of the standouts being Polled Daisy that was campaigned by the Sellman girls and won over 50 championships. In addition to producing great ones, DF Rose 99/9 consistently weans the heaviest calf. This says a lot for her milk production and maternal ability.

151/8 offers a unique chance to own a double polled, polled scurred herd bull that could go on to be a great one and could have a world of upside in future semen sales.  He is sired by a proven champion that has been marketed worldwide and out of a superior cow family.  La Negra - La Muneca partnership reserves the right to collect 250 units of semen on LMC LN Polled Amigo 151/8 for in herd use only.


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Dam - DF Rose 99/9
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