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Lot 25 - LMC LF Susana E25

High bid
7 years 18 weeks 3 days 4 hours 43 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC LF Susana E25
Simmental Heifer
Yardley Red Hawk B329
LMC Baylee 3B/152
BW 2.0, WW 70.1, YW 97.2, Milk 13.5
Floneca Cattle Co.

The Dream Girl Group had sold three Mr. NLC Upgrade daughters out of the famous LMC WFC Ms. Dream Girl donor to our longtime friends and customers at Smith Farms in Denton, Texas. Louie Flores and I had always thought about heading up there to buy one back from Ronnie, well one Thanksgiving we ended up buying the trio from Ronnie and we are excited about their future here at Floneca. Our first offering from this purchase is Susana, a Purebred Simmental sired by Smith Farms' exciting Yardley High Regard son, Yardley Red Hawk. Susana's dam is LMC Baylee, the most moderate and highest performing cow of the group. Baylee did an excellent job of getting acclimated back to South Texas and raising Susana in this drought we are in.

Susana is a long bodied, feminine and naturally thick female that should make a productive female as she develops. She has taken to the halter very well and we were able to get a photo of her on the hill after just 2 days in the barn and shortly after weaning. Her paternal grandsire High Regard is the $30,000 high selling bull in the 2010 Yardley sale that has produced a $100,000 sale topper as well as Grand Champions at the prestigious Simmental Junior Nationals, American Royal and Denver shows during his tenure. High Regard is backed by good uttered, broody made females and is a complete outcross to CNS Dream On stock. Susana's sire himself demanded a $14,000 bid to get him to Texas and is a good looking red specimen himself. You should expect function, marketability and production from Susana.

Susana sells eligible for the La Muneca Junior Program where she will show in the Percentage Shows at the LMC Futurity and Jackpot shows, however she will not be eligible for the $15,000 MAS Showdown or LMC $ellabration shows. She will be Superbowl eligible however and you will have access to the world renown La Muneca Herd Bull battery to select an available Brahman or Simbrah bull to AI her to until your kiddo graduates from high school. Unique opportunity here to add some of the most elite genetics to your herd, don't miss out on this unique breeding piece.


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