Selling 10 Units of LMC LF Polled Ern 192/5 (P) Semen with 10 ABBA AI Certificates at ABBA cost. Extra certificates will cost $100 per certificate.
Final Bid X 10 = Purchase Price
Donated by Drake Farms
100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Polled American Brahman Cattle A I School Scholarship
LMC LF POLLED ERN 192/5 TWIN (P) is one of the top performing predominantly black bulls in our market. Ern is entering his fifth year of calf production and continues to sport a perfect record of POLLED offspring. In 2022 he has had a 75% heifer production rate from natural service with an average sale price of $10,000 per pre-yearling calf. His Pedigree is stacked with Polled greatness coming from the coveted LMC Golden Cross bloodlines. Sired by the BEEF MACHINE, LMC Polled Madison, out of one of La Muneca's top LMC WFF Pistolero daughters, it is no surprise his offspring are in such high demand. Do not miss this opportunity to add Pedigree Clout, Performance, Pigment, Power, Profile, Profit, and Polled Perfection to your next calf crop.