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Lot 25 - 4 Embryos sired by SRS Mr. Pasco 812 and out of dams Miss B-F 140/9 & 5M Miss Lady Rhino 944/2

High bid
6 years 10 weeks 5 days 5 hours 58 min ago
Lot Information:
SRS MR PASCO 812 X MISS B-F 140/9X5M LADY RHINO 944/2 - 4 Embryos
Miss B-F 140/9, 5M Lady Rhino 944/2

Final Price is 4 x Bid Price

DONOR: Mark Jolly, Tony Acosta & John Downs

2 embryos from MISS B-F 140/9 #888162 x SRS Mr. PASCO 812 #839611
2 embryos from 5M MISS LADY RHIN0 944/2 #887472 x SRS Mr. PASCO 812 #839611

Everyone in the Brahman world knows of the great Red Brahman Female; CT LADY RHINEAUX RAY 8/9, and the Thibodeaux Family of Circle T Cattle Company that helped her become a household name. As significant as this “SUPERCOW” has been to the entire Troy Thibodeaux family, with their countless hours of promotion and immeasurable amount of resources, CT LADY RHINEAUX RAY 8/9 and her offspring have become instrumental in enhancing the entire breed of Brahman cattle; red and gray. But more important than that, 8/9 and her offspring have made tremendous impacts on people; positive life-changing impacts.
In a time where there seems to be too much political divisiveness, the involvement of breeding cattle and the participation of helping others is the common thread that brings us all together for a greater purpose. It is with this family binding theme that we wish to give to the next generation; helping our youth by “Funding the Future.” Tony Acosta of South Florida Brahmans, Mark Jolly of Lonestar Cattle Company, and John Downs of Southern Cattle Company are honored to collectively own and work with two of CT LADY RHINEAUX RAY 8/9 great daughters (CT LADY LACY RHINEAUX 12/13 and CT LADY PASCO RHINEAUX 1/13), and two of CT LADY RHINEAUX RAY 8/9 full sisters (MISS B-F 140/9 and 5M MISS LADY RHINO 944/2).
We are proud to contribute our very best Brahman genetics to this worthy cause. As we have been blessed, it is our wish to give someone else this special opportunity to acquire full siblings in blood to “Miss Brahman World” CT LADY PASCO RHINEAUX 1/13. Our donation mating and auction details are as follows:
2 embryos from MISS B-F 140/9 x SRS Mr. PASCO 812
2 embryos from 5M MISS LADY RHIN0 944/2 x SRS Mr. PASCO 812
This four (4) embryo offering will be donated with the understanding that the buyer will receive the guarantee of receiving at least one pregnancy. All transfers must be performed by a mutually agreed upon certified technician. Should the buyer not receive one pregnancy from these four (4) embryos, we will donate one (1) more embryo, only. Embryos are located at TransOva Genetics in Centerville, Texas.

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