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Lot 25 - 3 head of 3/4 Angus x 1/4 Brahman Pairs with Angus sired calves

High bid
2 years 47 weeks 19 hours 38 min 13 sec ago
Lot Information:
018 028 034
20-22 months
3 head of 3/4 Angus x 1/4 Brahman Pairs with Angus sired calves

Price = Bid X 3


This is our second pen of ¾ Angus, ¼ Brahman Pairs.  These females are functional, moderate framed, deep ribbed, and have great udders.  They sell with 30-45 day old Angus sired calves (2 bulls, 1 heifer).


ID                    Current Wt.

018                  900

028                  925

034                  950


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