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Lot 24 - Mr. V8 968/7 x Miss V8 491/7 - Female Sexed Embryo Package

High bid
4 years 24 weeks 3 days 11 hours 33 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 968/7 x Miss V8 491/7 - Female Sexed Embryo Package
Mr. V8 968/7 #950794
Miss V8 491/7 #896594
KI Cattle Company


Purchase Price = 3 x Bid


This female sexed embryo package combines the progressive and popular Mr. V8 968/7 with the proven Miss V8 491/7.  Most will remember the successful show career of Mr. V8 968/7 especially him winning the oldest bull class at the International Show and then going on to win the Senior Division.  He is a son of +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”  who sired 3 of the 4 International Champions in 2020 and out of +JDH Lady Jennessa Manso who has been one of the foundation cows for Mollie Cutrer that produced until she was 18 years with a “picture perfect” udder.  As a result of the superior fertility that was injected from Jennessa to 968/7 he collected semen early and already had calves by the time that he walked into the International Show.  To further enhance this embryo package is the performance and production-oriented Miss V8 491/7.  As you view her pedigree you realize that she is a daughter of the legendary (+)JDH Karu Manso 800 who sells in this sale as lot 1 and out of the International Champion, World Brahman Congress Champion and proven donor +Miss V8 464/6 (the dam to +Mr. V8 191/7, Mr. V8 194/7).  Not only is Miss V8 491/7 backed by one of the strongest pedigrees in the breed she is a proven producer as validated by one of her daughters making the 2018 V8 Ranch Online Sale and fetching $35,250. 

Selling a package of three (3) sexed female embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician.  If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given. 

Other Lot Images
Dam of Embryos: Miss V8 491/7
Dam of Embryos: Miss V8 491/7
Other Lot Images
Miss V8 798/8-$35,250 daughter of 491/7 who sold in the 2018 V8 Ranch Online Sale
Miss V8 798/8-$35,250 daughter of 491/7 who sold in the 2018 V8 Ranch Online Sale

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