Purchase Price = 5 X Bid
Mr. V8 535/7 boasts one of the most proven pedigrees in the breed being a full brother to two V8 Ranch show bulls and now proven herd sires Mr. V8 520/7 and Mr. V8 183/7 “Gator”. The superior build and siring ability of 535/7 should not come as a surprise due to his pedigree. The sire to 535/7 is +Mr. V8 380/6 the #1 Sire in the Register of Renown. The dam to 535/7 is +Miss V8 209/6 the 2005 Reserve National Champion and 2006 Reserve International Champion Female. It should also be noted that Mr. V8 535/7 is still successfully pasture breeding at 8.5 years old. If you are looking for a sire that will add performance and pedigree clout then be sure to mark this lot as a must have!
Selling 5 units of semen with unlimited AI Certificates.