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Lot 24 - LMC Gold Medal 5Z/75 - 2 Units of Sexed Heifer Semen

High bid
5 years 27 weeks 6 days 12 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Gold Medal 5Z/75 - 2 Units of Sexed Heifer Semen
2 Units of Sexed Heifer Semen
LMC Rhino 5W/367
LMC WFC Ms Dream Girl
BW 3.2, WW 75.9, YW 109.5, Milk 12.7
Dream Girl Group

Lot 24 – LMC Gold Medal – 2 Units of Sexed Heifer Semen 

Final Price is 2x the bidding price


This is arguably one of the biggest opportunities of the year in Simbrah - the initial offering of sexed heifer semen on one of the most successful Simbrah bulls.  Across the board, Gold Medal has stoutened up our calves while improving their look and keeping them sound.  He is a bull that is bred in the purple and has gone on to continue the family tradition by siring several champions himself.  We are still just as excited about Gold Medal as we ever have been and believe you should take full advantage of this opportunity today.  


His dam is the famous LMC WFC Ms. Dream Girl cow, who was many times major champion in 2009-2010, including an International title, two National titles and the $10,000 San Antonio Jr. Simbrah Show Scholarship for Jordan Grahmann.  Dream Girl is sired by Smith Nu Wave II and out of the popular LMC Miss Diva cow.  On the top side, Gold Medal's sire LMC Rhino was the 2011 International Champion and Reserve National Champion Bull.  Rhino is sired by the Triple Crown Winner, LM Full House and out of a Fleckvieh influenced ¾ Simmental x ¼ Brahman cow.  Both Dream Girl and Rhino have produced several champions and top sellers, however they seem to work best with each other with several full sibs to Gold Medal like LMC Daydream doing outstanding things in the breed. 


Over the past three years Robert Stavinoha, MacKenzie Groce and Caleb Fuchs have won or been Reserve Champion at every major Texas junior show at with their Gold Medal daughters.  Likewise, MacKenzie and Annah Morris have also won the State Fair of Texas Junior (2017) and Open (2018) Shows with their Gold Medal daughters.  The Mullins Family at Golden Simbrah also had Reserve Champion at the 2018 State Fair Open Show.  Recently, Colby Jedlicka won the competitive 2019 American Junior Simbrah Roundup with his Gold Medal sired cow/calf pair, with another Gold Medal daughter bred and owned by Makayla Sanchez winning Reserve Champion.  Making it a Gold Medal sweep at the 2018 San Antonio Junior Show, 2018 State Fair of Texas Open Show and 2019 American Junior Simbrah Roundup.   


Don’t miss a full sister to MacKenzie Groce’s many times champion selling as Lot 20!  With every calf, Gold Medal continues to move the needle forward for us and he can do the same for you.  Take advantage of this moderate meat wagon that features a stout structure in a long-bodied and sound package.  This is the initial offering of sexed heifer semen on this popular and proven champion - opportunities like this don't come by often so don't miss the opportunity to utilize what we feel are some of the best genetics ever in the Simbrah breed.  BID AND BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, HE IS SOLID!  HE IS A CHAMPION OUT OF CHAMPIONS THAT IS PRODUCING CHAMPIONS! 



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Daughter - won Jr. Nationals in 2016, Houston Jr. and Reserve Supreme Champion American in Houston in 2017
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Daughter - won 2017 State Fair, Fall Classic, 2018 Fort Worth Jr., San Antonio Jr., Mercedes Jr. and Mercedes Open
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Daughter - a Black Label high seller that won the 2018 State Fair of Texas Open Show among other titles
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Daughter - won the 2019 Simbrah Roundup and Reserve Grand Champion at the Texas A&M Saddle & Sirloin
Daughter - won the 2019 Simbrah Roundup and Reserve Grand Champion at the Texas A&M Saddle & Sirloin

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