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Lot 24: 3 EMBRYOS: +JME Mr. Suva Crat 225 (P) X Ms. Horsegate 888

High bid
1 year 7 weeks 1 day 12 hours 39 min ago
Lot Information:
3 EMBRYOS: +JME Mr. Suva Crat 225 (P) X Ms. Horsegate 888
+JME Mr. Suva Crat 225 (P)
Ms. Horsegate 888

Purchase Price = 3 X Bid


If you think BLACK is BEAUTIFUL, then you might better stop for a minute and study this package.  The sire to these embryos is +JME Mr. Suva Crat 225 (P) who is considered to be the “Godfather” of Black Brahman Cattle due to his strong influence.  225 was initially used on a limited basis by Candler Cattle Company in Florida who showed enough winners to place him in the ABBA Register of Renown.  Two years ago, V8 Ranch used 225 and produced 5 heifers that have sold through their sales fetching an upward of $105,000 for ½ interest.  The last time that semen on Suva Crat was offered it brought $4,600/straw validating the demand for these genetics. The dam to the embryos is Miss Horsegate 888 who combines some of the most proven genetics in the breed to include +Mr. Horsegate 785 and a daughter by the Reserve International Champion Mr. V8 850/3 & a Register of Renown Cow.  Not only is Miss Horsegate 888 beautiful and well-bred but she is extremely fertile producing 131 oocytes resulting in 69 embryos.  Give serious consideration to the value of this opportunity!!

Selling three conventional embryos with a guarantee of one pregnancy if implanted by an accredited technician. If no pregnancy is achieved with the first three embryos one final embryo will be given

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Dam to embryos.
Dam to embryos.

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