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Lot 23 - Open Simbravieh Heifer

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 days 23 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Brianna B67
LMC LF Goliath
LMC Smokem Muneca U163
2.8, 8.7, 10.3, 30.4

LMC Briana B67 is a phenomenal multi-generation baby doll that needs to be shown. She is super long, big boned, correct, strong spined and is the kind to build a herd around. We should be keeping this heifer but as we always do in these sales - WE SHARE OUR BEST.  She is very powerful and has a great pedigree being sired by the Champion $13,500 LMC LF Goliath bull who is doing a great job of growing the Simbravieh breed by producing functional cattle with eye appeal that can compete in all arenas.

Brianna's maternal grand sire, LMC Smokem was also a member of that great litter of 19 WTR Hipchecks out of the super fertile LMC 5H-144. We sold him to our ole buddy Dr. Gary Warner who raised some outstanding females and several champion ABC steers out of him. Her dam is out of S33, the Vernon daughter that is the dam to the popular Lot 31 bull calf that purple banner in his sights.  Buyer will get two units of semen from any of our LMC sires that semen is available on.  These females can be bred for Simbravieh or club calf purposes and will work great either way.

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