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Lot 23 - Miss V8 207/7

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 3 days 5 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 207/7
Mr. V8 960/5
Miss V8 420/6
BW: 4.5 WW: 18.3 YW: 31.5 M: 10.7
4F Cattle Company

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a polled V8 branded cow!  Miss V8 207/7 was one of the donors for V8 Ranch before they consigned her to their internet sale where she brought $15,100.  We have been using her for the past several years and with newer genetics coming along and her still being young enough to be utilized by someone we are letting her go.  Not only is she one of the few to wear the V8 brand and be polled but she is backed by a great pedigree.  Her sire is the Reserve National & International Champion +Mr. V8 960/5.  The dam to 207/7 is Miss V8 420/6 who is owned by my brother Jaime and doing them an outstanding job with one of her daughters recently being named Grand Champion at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show.  It should also be noted that 420/6 is the polled parent and is an own daughter of the maternal giant +Mr. V8 189/4.  Miss V8 207/7 not only has the nice feminine look that the V8 cattle are known for combined with a great pedigree but she ranks in the top of the breed for 8 traits to include the top 1/3 of the breed for growth and 1% for Milk.  Miss V8 207/7 sells exposed to Mr. V8 733/7 (P) “Polled Phenom” who is a full brother to +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”.  Don’t discount this cow for her age as she has plenty of life in her and if bred to “Polled Phenom” could pay for herself with one calf.

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Service Sire Mr. V8 733/7 (P) “Polled Phenom”
Service Sire Mr. V8 733/7 (P) “Polled Phenom”

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