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Lot: 22 - LN Ms. Sugar 58/8 - Bred Cow

High bid
2 years 17 weeks 6 days 19 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
LN Ms. Sugar 58/8
Bred Cow
Sire: Mr. CT Rojeaux Rhineaux
Dam: LN Kelsi 175/55
Consignor: Mike Quintanilla

LN Miss Sugar 58/8 was a show heifer that was purchased from La Negra Cattle Co.  This growthy, deep, long, level, and feminine female with a great udder is selling along with two of her daughters in lots 23 & 24.  Sugar is sired by Mr. CT Rojeaux Rhineaux who was the first natural calf by the #1 Register of Renown Cow in the breed +CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9 and out of +BF Iron Man who sired numerous champions.  The dam to Sugar results from a purchased show bull by La Muneca & La Negra Cattle Company’s.  The real value in the bottom side of this pedigree is Miss RB 113/1 who is the basis of La Negra Cattle Co. and many of the top cattle for 4F Cattle Co.  You can’t pack any more maternal genetics into a package than what is being offered here!  Sells heavy bred to Mr. V8 733/7 #934072.


Note: The cattle being sold by The Quintanilla Family are being sold as a complete dispersal with no further guarantees.  Each animal sells with two straws of semen from any available bull owned by La Muneca Cattle Co.  This semen is to be used in AI with a maximum of one AI certificate released per straw at the time of registration.


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Sire: CT Rojeaux Rhineaux 1/12 
Sire: CT Rojeaux Rhineaux 1/12 
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Service Sire: Mr. V8 733/7
Service Sire: Mr. V8 733/7

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