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Lot 22 - Keys 402G - "Polled Lightning" - 400 Units of Semen

High bid
10 years 13 weeks 5 hours 10 min 45 sec ago
Lot Information:
Keys 402G - "Polled Lightning" - 400 Units of Semen
WBR Polled Idol
Miss Key Sammie 303D
-1.5, 6.5, 50, 66, 30

Donors: La Muneca Cattle Co.

"Polled Lightning" is a herd sire that worked well for Broken Oak for  several years.  We bought him and lost him less than one year later due to an injury but he produced us some great cattle which include the many times champion LMC Dolly see below. 1/2 interest in her sold at SYNERGY I for $6,800 to Rafter M and Jimmie Grant.  We sold a Simbravieh herd bull to Felix Izquierdo from Mexico for $4,000.  Our good friends from Oklahoma, the Thorne’s produced a Polled Lightning daughter - TLC Anna’s Light T7392 ET” that was the  2009 Show Heifer of the Year. Simply put – he is the best looking Black Polled bull the breed has produced in our opinion and could serve as the Breed’s STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE.

Due to the quantity of Braunvieh semen being sold, the price per unit will be very affordable so make sure to study these lots and make some good investments that you can make pay for themselves by re-selling smaller packages of semen.  100% of the proceeds will be donated to the BAA Junior Scholarship Fund.

Other Lot Images
LMC Dolly - champion Polled Lightning daughter for the Mask and Grant famlies
LMC Dolly - champion Polled Lightning daughter for the Mask and Grant famlies
Other Lot Images
Show heifer of the year by Polled LIghtning
Show heifer of the year by Polled LIghtning
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typical son of Lot 22
typical son of Lot 22

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