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Lot 22 - JTB HELGA 656-1363/5

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5 years 17 weeks 5 days 6 hours 53 min ago
Lot Information:
JTB HELGA 656-1363/5

Lot 22 JTB HELGA 656-1363/5 Bred Female 


Confirmed AI bred to JTB POLLED PAPPY 1298-1545-7(P) ECD of 02/06/2020. 


Proof positive we intend to share our best!  Where do we begin on this stout proven dam?  She’s a top female from mating Crosby 656 (Semen lot 23) to our old #9 donor female.  This mating produced some of the highest IMF values we ever scanned on our operation as well as some of the stoutest phenotypic calves we have produced.  Brothers to this lot have scanned upwards to 5.48% IMF.  We are heavily dependent on embryo transfer in our program. We believe in mass producing QUALITY.  For a Brahman female to remain in our herd (which we think is donor quality in its entirety) she has to continually pass rigid culling parameters that focus on marketable calves, functionality and fertility.  This female has passed all of our tests:  FERTILITY: She is a 4-year-old working on her 3rd calf. That’s all fine and good but this female has become pregnant on first AI service of each season! She has never been mated naturally and three units of semen used on her during her production thus far have yielded 3 calves.  Take a look at her phenotype – shes as good as they come.  Moderately made, extremely thick, feminine and free moving with second to none udder quality.  She is exactly what our ideal female is. The only way we could improve on this female is to make her polled.  We did the next best thing – mated her to our up and coming popular polled sire, Pappy 1545-7. We feel this mating would produce the next generation of quality.  Females her age that don’t have underlying problems are RARELY offered for sale in the Brahman world.  We simply choose to sell our best and place our best foot forward for this sale.  JT Brahmans retains the right to aspirate this female a maximum of 3 times at our expense and buyer’s convenience in an effort to continue her impact on our herd.  Give us a call 936-870-8439 to talk about Helga, one of our best.


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Service Sire - JTB POLLED PAPPY 1298-1545-7(P)Sire - JDH MR CROSBY MANSO
Service Sire -  JTB POLLED PAPPY 1298-1545-7(P)Sire - JDH MR CROSBY MANSO

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