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Lot 22 - BLCO Cajin Black - Yearling Purebred Simbrah bull

High bid
8 years 43 weeks 6 days 1 hour 17 min ago
Lot Information:
BLCO Cajin Black
Yearling Purebred Simbrah bull
6G LMC Rajin Cajun
LMC Sarita 5Z/175
bw 1.9 ww 59 yw 86.6

Consigned By: Brolaco Cattle

Offering a solid black yearling Simbrah bull calf that we feel has an exciting future making his mark on the Simbrah breed. This deep bodied long sided double polled calf comes to you on a nice set of legs. He balances nicely from front to back and doesn't disappoint as he walks away. Cajun is docile and easy to handle, don't overlook his length of body as well as extension through the front end. He comes to you halter broke as well as show ring experience.
Cajun Black is a first calf out of our cow Sarita whom was campaigned by our daughter Lorelai. Sarita was sired by the legendary LMC Rhino 5W/367 who is deceased now. Rhino has left his mark on the Simbrah breed in both the show ring as well as the pasture.
BLCO Cajun Black would not be complete with mentioning his popular sire 6G/LMC Rajin Cajun. This bull is known to add power to his offspring and does he ever.
We are pleased to offer this outstanding young herd bull prospect, bid with confidence.

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