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Lot 21 - VL ROJO WISKEY 1/48 - 2 Units of Semen and 2 Certs

High bid
6 years 10 weeks 5 days 6 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
VL ROJO WISKEY 1/48 - 2 Units of Semen and 2 Certs
BW:4.1 WW:22 YW:48 M:4

Final Price is 2 x Bid Price

Donated By: Santa Elena Ranch- Alfredo & Josefina Muskus

2 units/2 certificates additional certificates available $250/cert. This semen cannot be traded or sold but can be used for IVF or embryo transfer purposes.

VL Rojo Wiskey 1/48 is a herd sire that is the current talk of Santa Elena’s international clientele and the show ring. He is the sire of the 2018 National Grand Champion Cow VL Elena  6/20. A performance bull that still maintains style, he is heavy muscled, very attractive, balanced in his phenotype, expresses massive breed character, and most importantly 1/48 is structurally correct from every angle.

1/48 is a son of Mr. KC Whiskey 20/7. 20/7 was the 2010 International Grand Champion. He is sired by the National and International Champion +Mr Winchester Magnum 999. “Wiskey” dam is VL Elena 170/4 who was the Grand Champion at the 2008 World Brahman Congress and the 2008 International Brahman Show.  1/48’s calves are outstanding with most heifers going into the replacement pen or the show ring. His calves will set a mark in the red Brahman industry. No matter if you are looking for a sire to produce show winners or herd influencers “Wiskey” is the bull!

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A duaghter of VL Wiskey 1/48, VL Elena 6/20, was named 2018 Champion
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VL Elena 4/28, a VL Wiskey 1/48 daughter, was the Grand Champion at the Houston Livestock Show Junior Heifer Show
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VL Rojo Whiskey 4/180 is a son that showed extremely well and is now a herd bull.

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