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Lot 21 - Miss PH 207 Sandy - Bred Heifer

High bid
2 years 14 weeks 4 hours 23 min 12 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss PH 207 Sandy
Sire: JDH Sir Bryan Manso 224/9
Dam: JDH Lady Cherilyn Manso 494/0
Consignor: PH Ranch
Bred Heifer

Miss PH 207 Sandy is a straight J.D. Hudgins pedigreed female that is extremely performance-oriented charting positive for 12 of the 16 measured traits.  The sire to Sandy combines three Vanguard Sires in the first two generations of his pedigree.  The dam to Sandy combines two of the most maternally oriented sires in the breed that are an outcross to many of today’s popular bloodlines.  Sandy is bred 4 months to Mr. PH 196 Don Leo #1022755. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase a female that combines superior performance indicators with proven genetics!


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Service Sire: Mr. PH 196 Don Leo

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