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Lot 21 - LMC 6G Ms Cajun 5A305

High bid
10 years 45 weeks 4 days 3 hours 56 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC 6G Ms Cajun 5A305
6G/LMC Rajin Cajun W908
LMC Cassandra 5P/70
BW: 4.3 WW: 67.9 YW: 91.9 M: 23.1

Consigned by 6G Ranch

Ms Cajun 5A305 is possibly the best breeding tool that we are offering out of last year’s calf crop!  Her pedigree traces back to very maternally strong La Muneca Genetics & she is the first female out of 3L-118 that we have let out of the herd.  5A 305 is loaded with bone, performance & eye appeal, and she epitomizes the herd bull producing type of female!  Her dam and grand dam have both produced herd bulls that have sold in MAS sales.  Do not miss the chance to add a front pasture type of female full of power, performance & function! Buyer gets two units of any 6G Sire to AI this heifer to which include the National Champions LMC 6G Red Rock, LMC Arcadio and LMC Gold Medal.

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