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Lot 21 - JD Hudgins, Forgason Cattle Co Div - Semen Package

High bid
9 years 32 weeks 5 days 4 hours 3 min ago
Lot Information:
JD Hudgins, Forgason Cattle Co Div - Semen Package
Final Price is 10 x Bid Price
Consigned By: Forgason Cattle Co


JDH MR MANSO 579/4 (B 838540), JDH MR MANSO 105 (B 862595), JDH MR MANSO 416 (B 878271), JDH MR MANSO 423 (B 878278), JDH MR MANSO 837 (B 905684)

Thanks to Forgason Cattle Company for offering this package. Here is a chance to Breed the same bulls they are currently utilizing. 579/4 is one of the most fertile active breeders on the ranch, he is a past show champion and is producing outstanding offspring. 105 a past show champion, very complete sire. 416 is a nice Winchester son that produces uniform complete calves. 423 is a dark pigmented gentle bull that makes excellent growthy calves. 837 is the youngest bull being used he was last years All American Champion and is sired by SHANK and out of a top ATLAS daughter.


There will be 10 Certificates at no charge (2 per each bull)  with the option for 10 more (all can be on just 1 bull) at $250/each.  All extra certificates must be requested at one time.  With ALL certificates the dam’s registration number must be provided showing ownership of the cow the same as the individual that bought the semen.  Only exception to this is If registering to children  and/or siblings.

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JDH MR MANSO 579/4 - 2 Units of Semen
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JDH MR MANSO 105 - 2 Units of Semen
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JDH MR MANSO 423 - 2 Units of Semen
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JDH MR MANSO 837 - 2 Units of Semen

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