HK MS. SERENDIPITY 963’s best days are ahead of her. This November 2019 heifer has a lot of great right pieces in her design – good rib shape, big topped, and clean in her lines. Sired by HK Mr America 355, who is a Mighty Bruce by +HK Passport son who has been known to add expansion in his offspring, as well as a pedigree that will be recognized all over the world. Her dam, HK Ms Sage 550, is an inspiring and positive future ahead of her at HK Cattle. 963’s pedigree also contains Red Brahman breed leaders such as +Sting-Ray, KC Apache, +Passport, +Sophisticatedmillionair, and +HK Mr. America 61/9. With genetics like these, 963 has a promising future of being functional and powerful for years to come!