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Lot 21 - Five Units of Polled Brahman Semen with 5 AI Certs.

High bid
3 years 13 weeks 3 days 23 hours 16 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC WFF Pistolero M130
Sire: JG Sugar Suville 250
Dam: DW's Miss Dallas 707
Donor: La Muneca - Westfall Family Farm
Proceeds to: Victor A . Guerra Memorial Scholarship

SELLING five units of LMC WFF Pistolero (P) semen with 10 ABBA NONTRANSFERABLE AI Certificates as per ABBA rules. Extra certificates will cost $100 per certificate.  The buyer of this semen is responsible for registration of all calves produced by this semen. Selling by the unit x 5 in $25 increments.

100% of the same proceeds will go to the Victor A. Guerra Memorial Scholarship.

LMC WFF Pistolero was one of the beefiest, heaviest muscled, longest, deepest and biggest boned POLLED bulls in the breed. He was rich in pigment and breed character. He produced lots of good sons and daughters that are working all over the Brahman World. three of our best herd bulls are Pistolero sons - LMC Apollo, LMC Polled Samson and LMC Polled Sambo..

His dam, 707 is the MATRIARCH of our POLLED program. We have three maternal sisters to Pistolero in our herd. He is a maternal brother to Ricky Butler's LMC Polled Maestro who has bred champion bulls and several top selling heifers for Ricky.  His daughters cross extremely well with Ambassador to the point that we call that our GOLDEN CROSS.  

Pistolero will also go down in the history book as one of the sires that led this new generation of top quality POLLED Brahman genetics into many of today's leading Brahman herds.  In his prime, he would have fit in the best of Brahman Herd bull batteries.  He can make a positive difference in your next calf crop.  Check out the photos of his progeny below.

Other Lot Images
LMC Polled Samson is a full brother to Polled Sambo who had a 4 +IMF and was built like a bank vault as our his progeny.
LMC Polled Samson is a full brother to Polled Sambo who had a 4 +IMF and was built like a bank vault as our his progeny.
Other Lot Images
This beautiful cow is a Pistolero daughter that is a full sib to Poll Aussie now owned by Chris Allen. She is the maternal grand
This beautiful cow is a Pistolero daughter that is a full sib to Poll Aussie now owned by Chris Allen. She is the maternal grand

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