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Lot 21 - 4B Streetgirl 79A - Futurity Heifer

High bid
10 years 43 weeks 2 days 14 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
4B Streetgirl 79A
MM Ace in the Hole
Gonsior Up with Ebony

Here's an MM Ace in the Hole daughter with as much show potential as you could ask for. I went back and forth on selling her because I wanted to show her but I really don’t have the time. This heifer has all the right pieces to make her a contender at the major shows. Streetgirl's Dam (Up With Ebony) comes from the heart of Scott Gonsior's breeding program in Nebraska. All I can say is he sure knows how to raise Great cattle. If you haven't seen Ace in the Hole, you need to go by Mike and Sandy Scheu's ranch and take a look at him. He has tons of bone, muscle, just a super nice looking bull. Streetgirl is a December baby, don't let her age fool you. Without a doubt she will make a nice addition to not only your show string but your Donor herd as well. For more information call: Twana @ 903-432-9779.

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