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Lot 20 - Sugar Bear x Staci's Image - 4 Embryos

High bid
10 years 45 weeks 6 days 15 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
Sugar Bear x Staci's Image - 4 Embryos
Sugar Bear
Staci's Image

Final Price is 4 x Bid Price

Staci’s Image is a full sister to Jackpot. These embryos will be full genetic siblings to 2 of the top selling open heifers at last years Swinging B production sale. Those heifers were sold to JBBA members and have been very successful in the show ring. There were also several outstanding bulls in that flush that are currently working in purebred herds as herd sires. Expect these calves to be dark red and homozygous good!! Selling 4 frozen embryos.

Consigned by Swinging B Ranch – phone number (254)644-1957


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