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Lot 20 - Open Simbravieh Heifer

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 days 23 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
MS SER Manhattan B 401
LMC Man Amigo Y74
LMC FS Muneca X304
3.8, 49.3, 61.2, 13.4

B401 is a  beautiful solid black and polled multi generation Simbravieh baby doll that can be the Matriarch of your herd. She is built right, is ultra feminine and has a great pedigree to support her excellent phenotype. Her sire is an own son of the BEEF MACHINE MHF Manhattan that Louie and Carlos picked as the best bull that sold at the first BAA Performance Bull Test Sale in Manhattan, Kansas over 100 other Braunvieh bulls. Her sire is doing us an excellent job of producing top quality Simbraviehs as seen here and in Lot 21. His dam is one of ten full ET sisters in the LMC Herd out of the famous litter of WTR Hipchecks x the super fertile LMC donor 5H-144 that averaged 43 embryos in her first four flushes.

B401's is sired by the Vista Bull Test Winner and Sale Topper Foresight whose daughters are easy keeping, moderate, heavy milking, super docile cattle that are as good as it gets when selecting an American cow for this part of the country. Her dam was sired by the LMC Titan bull whose daughters are also heavy milkers with good udders. She goes back to the famous PTL Jetliner cow who was one of the more influential Simmy cows of the 90's.  Carlos asked us to share our best and we have  done just that. We hope you like her.   Come visit us when in South Texas.

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Maternal grand sire - "Foresight"

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