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Lot 20 - NBS Pure Nobility

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 3 days 5 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
NBS Pure Nobility
Mr. V8 962/7
NB Miss Iliana
BW: 3.5 WW: 45.3 YW: 75.8 M: 4.9
El Salinas Ranch

I bet when you viewed this heifer you knew exactly what her breeding was going to be! If you guessed +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” you are right.  She is sired by one of the two full brothers that we purchased from V8 Ranch.  Her sire Mr. V8 962/7 is a son of +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” and out of the Reserve National Champion Female and now proven donor Miss V8 463/7.  Study the top side of this impressive pedigree pretty hard as it combines the breed icons: National Champion +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso, National Champion Miss V8 100/7, Mexican Show Champion and leading USA sire +JADL Rey TE 110, and the proven donor with 59 registered progeny to include numerous breed influencers +Miss V8 410/6.  We think that NBS Pure Nobility shows a lot of the same characteristics of her grand sire being stout built, deep ribbed, easy keeping, heavy muscled, the signature red tinge and of course packed with performance ranking in the top of the breed for growth, Ribeye Area and Docility.  To further enhance this pedigree the dam of Pure Nobility is sired by Betos Bull who is a +Mr. V8 380/6 son.  The “Golden Cross” of lately has been the Elmo x 380 and we are pleased to be able to duplicate this cross and offer you one in this special sale.  This heifer has been wearing a halter and with a little work can be halter broke and likely be very competitive.  We wish the new owner of this elite heifer the best of luck!

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+Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”
+Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”

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