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Lot 20 - Lavin Billie - Steer

High bid
3 years 46 weeks 5 days 16 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Lavin Billie
Club: Big Cypress 4-H Steer
Weight: 1188

Lot 20 - #35 - Lavin Billie: My name is Lavin Billie. I am 13 years old and in the 7th grade. In school, my favorite subjects are math and reading. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my brothers and sisters, and playing basketball at the gym when it was open. I attend Church at Revelation Church. This is my 3rd year in 4-H raising a steer. I purchased my steer from Mr. Josh Jumper on the Big Cypress Reservation. His name is Bubbly and he is a stubborn steer but good to work with. I have learned a lot from being involved in 4-H and raising my steer. It has taught me self-discipline and responsibility. I have also learned about proper feeding and record keeping. I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn about steers. I would like to invite you to come and see my steer online during the Seminole Tribe of Florida 4-H Livestock Sale. I appreciate your support on bidding on my steer! Thank you, Lavin Billie

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