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Lot 20 - J7R Masterson 509/2

High bid
1 year 46 weeks 21 hours 42 min 43 sec ago
Lot Information:
J7R Masterson 509/2 (S)
J7R Masterson 509/2 (S)
Red Brahman Bull
Sire: LMC LF Polled Folse 187/8 (P)
Dam: Moreno Ms Lady Rembrandt 736
ABBA # 1056814
BW: 1.9; WW: 18; YW: 37; DOC: -1.02
Consigner – La Morra Cattle

Selling Half Interest and Half Possession

This bull is just a youngster but has impressed us from the beginning.  J7R Masterson is a red brahman, that has lots of bone, structural soundness, muscling and has a great disposition and is polled scurred.  We believe that J7R Masterson will add substance to his offsprings, that’s why we are retaining part ownership in him.

J7R Masterson’s sire is a polled grey brahman bull, LMC LF Polled Folse 187/8, that we purchased from our long-time friend, Carlos Guerra at La Muneca Cattle.  Unfortunately, we had to get rid of Folse too early, due to a serious injury.  Folse was a very gentle, beef machine, son of LMC LF Polled King, an LMC Polled Passion son.  Folse has a great bone to sheath ratio and has solid EPD numbers.  He is in the top 3% for calving ease and marbling, top 30% for WW, YW and Milk.  Best of all, Folse is in the top 10% for bull index and top 5% for female value.  These are great traits that should be passed on to his offsprings.

J7R Masterson’s dam is the ever loving Moreno Ms Lady Rembrandt 736, a red brahman.  I say “ever loving” because, if you have ever come to the ranch to look at cattle, she is part of the welcoming committee.  Many visitors fall in love with Lady.  Lady has been a consistent and fertile cow for us. Several times, she has had calves 11 months apart.  She’s a deep-sided, wide based cow that is genetically packed with bull power.  Her sire is BB Special Effort and is backed with Mr Winchester Magnum 999 as well as Mr 3H X-Ray 825.

La Morra Cattle is retaining one half interest in J7R Masterson.  Possession of Masterson, once he becomes old enough to breed, will be on an alternating yearly basis, unless otherwise agreed upon with the new partnership owner. 

Other Lot Images
LMC LF Polled Folse 187/8 (P)
LMC LF Polled Folse 187/8 (P)
Other Lot Images
Dam – Moreno Ms Lady Rembrandt 736
Dam – Moreno Ms Lady Rembrandt 736

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