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Lot 20 - J7N LF Cumbia Rose C04 - Purebred Simbrah Show Heifer Prospect

High bid
9 years 25 weeks 11 hours 43 min 25 sec ago
Lot Information:
J7N LF Cumbia Rose C04
LMC Rhino 5W/367
LMC Tatiana
BW 3.7, WW 59.3, YW 88.0, Milk 26.0

Consigned By: Louie Flores - La Morra

J7N LF Cumbia Rose is a phenomenal, feminine, deep red purebred Simbrah show heifer prospect out of many times champion LMC Tatiana and the 2011 International Champion LMC Rhino.  Tatiana is now owned by Pigeon Mountain and Impact Marketing.  La Morra Ranch and the Louie Flores Family were fortunate enough to purchase embryos on this great mating at the 2014 Houston International Sale.  Cumbia Rose is a result of these great genetics.  This is one of the few Rhino heifer calves offered.  With Rhino semen being pulled off the market this may be your last opportunity to own a LMC Rhino daughter of donor quality to build your herd around as was done with her dam.

Cumbia Rose is eligible for many junior shows such as the Simmental-Simbrah Super bowl, the $20,000 LMC $ellabration, the $15,000 MAS Showdown which add up to lots of $$$ that you can compete for. Plus you get two units of semen on any of La Morra or Louie Flores Family bulls which includes the 2015 National and International Jr. Champion bull BETM MT Spaniard and the 2010 National Champion J7N Vicmar 420 to AI this heifer to.  Don’t let this opportunity get away from you!


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