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Lot - 2 - SRS MISS 528/9

High bid
4 years 15 weeks 3 days 14 hours 51 min ago
Lot Information:
SRS MISS 528/9
Sire: MR V8 87/8
Dam: MISS V8 542/8

WOW, Study this pedigree!! Those who follow our program know that we have continued to purchase the best genetics that we could find as a base for our herd.  Both parents of SRS Miss 528/9 were in these purchases and are some of the most proven genetics in the breed.  The sire to 528/9 is Mr. V8 87/8 who was purchased in the V8 Ranch Online Performance Tested Bull Sale for $47,000.  On test this bull was one of the most gentle, #1 for Ribeye Area, and the highest Power Rated Bull.  87/8 is sired by +Mr. V8 380/6 who sired more show winners from 2011-2017 than any other sire.  The dam to 87/8 is +Miss V8 138/7 who has produced over $500,000 in sales for V8 Ranch with 3 full sisters to 87/8 selling for over $30,000.  The proven production of 138/7 should come as no surprise as she is the produce of two of the most proven parents in the breed to include +Mr. V8 287/5 “Superstoke” one of the most popular sires in the breed from 2000-2010 and out of +JDH Ms. Water Manso who has produced a National & International Champion Female as well as countless other influential offspring.  When you think that things can’t get any better they do!  Check out the bottom side of 528/9’s pedigree. She too was purchased from V8 Ranch and is sired by the Reserve International Champion and multi-trait leader +Mr. V8 191/7 and out of +Miss V8 43/7 who was a many time show winner for V8 Ranch.  As you can tell by +Miss V8 43/7 reaching the Register of Renown she is a proven producer with the herd bull Mr. V8 125/7 “Big Hump” to her credit as well as a number of other winners. 

We knew that we had to offer our best in this sale and it is safe to say that SRS Miss 528/9 is as good as we can produce as she combines one of the most proven pedigrees in the breed that contains 11 of 14 possible Register of Renown or Vanguard Animals, ranks in the top of the breed for Growth, Milk and Ribeye Area, and obviously has a beautiful well built look.  This one is special!

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Sire: Mr. V8 87/8
Sire: Mr. V8 87/8

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