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Lot 2 - RGV LN Charisma C503 - Purebred Simbrah show heifer

High bid
8 years 43 weeks 6 days 1 hour 35 min ago
Lot Information:
RGV LN Charisma C503
Purebred Simbrah show heifer
RFI Bad Medicine
RGV KC Faith 5X/03
bw 4.1 ww 69.8 yw 91.8

Consigned By: RGV Cattle / La Negra Cattle

RGV LN Charisma C503 is a show heifer deluxe.  She is the first RFI Bad Medicine to sell at public auction.  We have had several requests to price this heifer but have declined because, as always, we consign our best cattle to the sale every year.  A perfect example of that is Charisma’s maternal sibling, RGV LN Hope, who topped MAS 9 with a bid of $5,700 selling to Daryl Carraveo.  Hope was later named Reserve Champion at Superbowl in San Antonio in 2015 and was Grand Champion at RGVLS in 2015, plus numerous other wins.  Charisma is loaded with style, femininity, and correctness.  She travels effortlessly and has a lot of bone for that much front end.  Her hip design and smooth front end make her an easy favorite in our book.

 Her sire, Bad Medicine is a Dream On grandson.  Bad Medicine’s dam is a full sib to two International Champion females for Smith Genetics and Hagan Cattle.  Bad Medicine is a maternal sib to Loralei Hill’s RFI Razen, who was just named Reserve Jr Champion at the San Antonio Jr. show and Jr. Champion at RGVLS.  Bad Medicine’s first calf crop has been absolutely amazing thus far.  All are born with bone, style, and correctness.  We hope to be collecting him soon and sharing him with the breed.

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